Saturday 15 October 2016


Bitcoin is a digital currency, available to everyone, everywhere in the world. It is open source and decentralized, not controlled by any single entity. It can be sent between individuals without involvement of banks or credit card companies. Transactions are practically instant and with very low fees, often completely free.

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a digital currency, available to everyone, everywhere in the world. It is open source and decentralized, not controlled by any single entity. It can be sent between individuals without involvement of banks or credit card companies. Transactions are practically instant and with very low fees, often completely free. Learn more about Bitcoin on or ask a question on Bitcoin StackExchange.

Do I have to pay

The person who sends the funds sometimes has to pay a small fee, but with Bitcoin the fee actually is small, as in a few cents.

Is this safe?

Everything on this page is executed in your own web browser using javascript. Your Bitcoin address and private key was generated by your computer and has not been shared with any other computer or human being. (You can even download this page and use it on an offline computer.) If you keep your private key safe, your money is safe.

How do I use my bitcoins?

In order to use your bitcoins you need to import your private key to a wallet. There are many different wallets, some that you download and run on your own computer and some that are web based. The simplest way is probably to create a wallet on and to then select "Import / Export -> Import Private Key". In just a couple of minutes you'll be ready to send your bitcoins to anyone, anywhere in the world.

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